Can’t Get Enough of Your Love

Daily Prompt: Seconds!

Describe the most satisfying meal you’ve ever eaten in glorious detail. 


You little sexy beast you…

I wouldn’t necessarily say this is the best meal I’ve ever had, but it certainly meets all the necessary requirements to justify it as most satisfying along with most consecutively consumed. We are going to have to take a trip back in time to the Fall of 1978 when I not only entered my Freshman year of high school, I entered the cafeteria and met my new love….The Hot Cheese Sandwich.

My sister was 2 years ahead of me in high school, so I was aware that the Hot Cheese was somewhat of a celebrity on campus, but nothing could compare to meeting this oozy, gooey bundle of love in person. It was indeed love at first bite!

I entered the cafeteria for the first time and immediately noticed the tinfoil tower of tantalizing bundles luring me right into their aluminum bed. I approached with caution, trying my best to contain my excitement. Desperation is never attractive.

As I got closer to the tower my heart began to beat just a little faster. I couldn’t help but notice that these little bundles were even better looking up close. They were basking under the enormous red lightbulb that was keeping them hot, as if they needed any help in that department, patiently waiting to be consumed.

Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Babe

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I grabbed my glistening little jewel and headed back to the table where I could have my way with it. I decided to take things slow by keeping my inner cheese slut at bay. After all it was only our first date. Just as I began to gently peel back the foil, I captured a glimpse of the magnificent mound of gooey goodness that lied beneath the lightly toasted Kaiser roll. I’m not positive, but I think Barry White was playing in the background…or maybe that was just in my head.

I took one bite and thought “where have you been all of my life you lusty, luscious, lip-smacking lump of velvety goodness?” We certainly didn’t waste a minute hooking-up almost every day for the next 2 years. Why not 3 you ask? Senior year I had the pleasure of having lunch as my last class and made the painful decision to end our relationship so I could go HOME.

No worries, I reassured Hot Cheese that there will always be a special place in my heart…no doubt in my arteries … forever. Enjoy the Ride! 

29 responses

  1. Damn, you juts got me hungry and I have not had dinner yet! We all love cheese!


  2. Deliberately Delicious | Reply

    Giggling away over here…and trying to keep my inner cheese slut at bay. Loved the “saucy” innuendo in this piece!


  3. There was NEVER anything in my high school cafeteria that was worth consuming. You’re one lucky girl! xoxoM


  4. Had your way with it, did you? I had no idea you were so…dirty.


    1. Oh, you have so much to learn my friend….


  5. Sensual food, a Kaiser roll filled with Cheez Wiz and interspersed with tender succulent chunks of ham. Supper awaits.


  6. Sounds wonderful! The schools where I grew up had no cafeteria, so I never got the chance to experience cafeteria food. We did have a burger joint in the middle of nowhere across the street from our high school, so the place was always filled to capacity with teenagers. I ate more french fries those years than ever before.


    1. Lord knows you had a much better experience then me. I was in an all girls catholic school…so we both know that Hot Cheese was making up for the lack of testosterone.


  7. You got me thinking, the hot cheese sandwich. My school didn’t have a cafeteria. We had a lunch wagon. Mattie’s lunch wagon to be exact. We called it the roach coach which was why my mother would pack Tupperware containers of veal scallopini in my book bag. but back to HCS. Have you ever had one on halah bread? Even if you can’t spell it, it’s pretty good.


    1. Cafeteria are highly over rated. My “lunch” was at 9:30 in the morning and Hot Cheese was the only thing I ever ate in that god forsaken place. I would welcome veal scallopini with open arms.


      1. Just remember, the downside was, everybody knew you were coming since you carried such a distinctive aroma.


  8. For a minute there,I thought it was a guy!
    Now I am craving cheese.
    Fantastic description and memoir!


  9. haha.. Cheeze Whiz.. dang, I miss that stuff and it always tore a hole in my sandwich


  10. Makes me think of the Sloppy Joes with cheese my freshman year=1977.


  11. Barry White, the cheese lover. Who knew.


  12. mmmmmmmmmmm . That’s all I got.


  13. It wasn’t a good idea to put off breakfast so I could read this. Now I’m starved.


  14. Jeez, I need a cigarette after that! lol


  15. Sounds like an experience for each of the 5 senses.


  16. For me it was the deep fried burrito in the burrito boat. That line in the cafeteria was always the longest, so you had to have plenty of time to actually purchase and eat the burrito. So worth the wait. *drool*


  17. […] Purnimodo 46. Daily Prompt: Seconds! | The Blogging Path 47. The Fondue | Someday I Will Learn 48. Can’t Get Enough of Your Love | Life With The Top Down 49. My favorite restaurant is in a gas station | Anna’s anecdote 50. Seconds! | Drama Queen […]


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