Recently I was presented with a challenge by Miss Four Eyes to write a post about HOPE. I was given this honor in response to my recent post Democracy Is Alive which was regarding a Grassroots effort to save a piece of Open Space near my home and the HOPE that we would be successful in our efforts.

What she didn’t know was something happened between then and now that resonated the highest form of HOPE.

In the very early hours of Monday morning, a very dear person in my life, lost her daughter in an automobile accident.

At 18 years old “Sammi” was full of life, vigor & HOPE. The reality is she experienced more than most in her short life, but throughout it all she never lost HOPE.

She HOPED to turn her life around and she did just that when she graduated in June with honors.

She HOPED that she would have the opportunity to be proud of her accomplishments and she did just that when she purchased her first car and moved into her own apartment.

She HOPED that everyone would just love each other and that love was evident at her funeral yesterday where there was not an empty seat in the church.

I went to visit my friend to express my condolences, however I was the one being consoled. This woman just lost her daughter, yet she was some how at peace. She explained that up until a few hours earlier she couldn’t fathom living another moment, but then something amazing happened. HOPE?

She was told by police earlier in the day that when they approached the accident there was one dead deer at the scene, however another deer was standing next to her daughter, protecting her until the authorities arrived.

A glimmer of HOPE …

Next she went to her childhood church where the services would be held. At this point she was overcome with the unknown answers to her questions. Where is Sammi? Why can’t I feel her? Is she safe? Little did she know those questions were about to be answered.

HOPE is moving in…

It was suggested that she take a moment to visit the new Prayer Garden around back. As she entered the gate she was feeling a pull to go to the right. At first she was fighting the urge because the brick path was heading in the other direction, but she gave in and followed her instinct.

HOPE is getting brighter…

Just when she thought nothing could ever give her peace, she looked down to discover (3) statutes. One deer standing, one lying down and an angel sitting between the two.

Standing in awe at the foot of the statues a large bight yellow butterfly began flying around her, to the point of her letting out a typical mom statement of “I know, ok, ok I see you!”  Sammi?

HOPE is in the shadow…

The butterfly took a seat on her shoulder as she walked to the back of the garden where a large statue of the Blessed Mother stood, she realized Sammi was indeed in good hands.

HOPE is now a reality. 

Please keep my dear friend in a positive light in HOPE that she continues to have the peace she needs to get through each day.

I would like to pass this journey of HOPE onto a wonderful fellow Blogger who holds HOPE at its highest when it pertains to the treatment of animals. She is Susannah and her recent post Take Shelter is just one of her many posts that expresses her diligence towards the injustices against animals.

Have HOPE and Enjoy The Ride! 

18 responses

  1. Oh my God, what a sad, poignant story. I am so sorry about Sammi. The deer story is amazing. I’ve never had kids but I so know that losing one must be devastating. I’ve seen it enough times. You wrote this so beautifully. So sad for your friend. Thanks for adding Take Shelter to such a heart felt piece.


  2. What a beautiful way to come to terms of peace with such a sad occurrence. I wish we could all do that when the time comes to mourn.


    1. She said her choices were between this and being on all fours wailing. My hope is that she will be able to maintain her sense of peace.


      1. My experience and guess is that, sadly some of both will be involved.


      2. Same here Elyse…same here.


  3. Wow! This is such a poignant post! Tears have sprung to my eyes. That is truly amazing…


  4. Oh, Life… I have not felt like reading posts today as it has been a difficult day with no good news at all. Just one of ‘those’ days, a day of only very faint flickers of hope. You have no idea how much I needed to read your post. Thank you, for this post, for the reminder that hope does spring eternal and when we turn our focus on the Giver of Hope we can have peace even when the news of the day is bad. I will be thinking of your friend and I am so very sorry for your loss. DAF


    1. Thanks DAF. My friend has a very strong sense of faith. Not the running to church kind, but the knowing, believing kind. I have been walking around with goose bumps for days thinking about strength.


      1. When we know Whom to trust and believe that strength reinforces us and gives us a peace that defies what we are going through. I will keep you and your friend in my thoughts.


  5. Beautiful and HOPEful post. I have always viewed butterflies as symbols of HOPE, probably due to the changes that they had to go through to become such creatures of beauty. Thanks bringing us your friend’s story.


    1. A butterfly appeared at the cemetery and landed on her brother’s hand. It just stayed on his hand and let everyone come near it.


  6. You brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful post, I wish everyone could come to terms with something so horrible so peacefully. I am so sorry about Sammi. But I’m glad that her mother is going to be okay.


    1. Thank you. She is a very strong woman, even though she doesn’t believe it.


  7. free penny press | Reply

    Oh my… reading this gives me hope if I were to experience the same tragedy with one of my children I too could go on living..beautifully told…prayers your friend remains strong through the darkness..


  8. Thank you for sharing this beautiful, touching and poignant story with us. Your friend is blessed that she has found this “hope” to help her through what lies ahead and with having a friend in you to walk with on what is sure to be a difficult path.


  9. It was a very heart touching post. Your words were full of hope. I am glad, that your friend dare to follow her instinct, so that she could find peace. This post is one of my favorites in your blog. Thanks a lot for sharing it. Prayers for your friend.


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