Buddha Groove

e900583987541fc0b7aa582f8437f9a2New year new attitude … right? Lord knows I’m doing my best to get my Buddha groove in motion, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. Correction: It would be very easy if other people weren’t on the planet. 

I was grooving like no ones business while I was home enjoying days 1 through 4 of this fabulous new year, but going back to work on the 5th made things slightly more challenging. Breathe …. just breathe is my new go to for sanity.

You see this glorious change in attitude comes on the heels of me taking some MUCH needed time off over the holidays to refill my happiness tank. People, especially those in my workplace, have been siphoning the happy out of me for months. I was running on fumes at the most joyous time of the year! 

My attitude leading up to my 2 weeks of freedom consisted of being too old, too tired and way too sober for the shit that I was enduring for a paycheck. It’s safe to say FIRE was coming from my heels as I headed to my car on December 18th!

As soon as I got home I put my angry eyes away, shoved the last gram of fucks I had to give down the garbage disposal 6a00d8341c796d53ef0115724cb43c970b-500wiand enjoyed my family, friends and fur babies over 14 days. All good things must come to an end and this is no different, but I was ready.

Monday was the first day back to my normal routine, but I prepared myself for whatever negativity came my way. I filled my tank with premium happiness; my zen shield was running on full power; and I focused all my energy on building a new attitude. Those first 10 minutes across the threshold were blissful, absolutely blissful. 

As I quietly made it through the day I focused on accepting the Oscar for best actress in a dramatic series. The Oscar goes to Lisa for her role in “The Employee Who No Longer Gives A Fuck.” The red carpet, paparazzi and hobnobbing were all crystal clear as the clock clicked away throughout the day.

121d0ef79e4691cd11d83ad84301a0dbI survived day one and my happiness tank was still on full, which wasn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is easy. Yea me!

That evening I attended a meditation class. Another step in a positive direction. I had no idea what to expect considering my ADHD squirrel attention span kicks in when I’m forced to think about nothing. Is that even possible?

Please note my dear friend joined me for this venture. Our friends at the gym refer to us as Lucy & Ethel, which you must keep in mind.

I went in without expectations, so I was pleasantly surprised by the peace that filled me the second I entered the room. The lighting, warmth and company were collectively welcoming me into the space. Lucy and I were both in need of this peace after our day and we settled right into mood. 

Ahhhhh … there we were getting our much-needed peace on when suddenly there was a knock at the door. The door locked at 8 sharp according to the website, however the instructor let this bull man through the door. He was the poster child for the term “Bull in a china closet.” 

Peace scooted out as soon as the bull arrived walking head-on into the chimes, which sounded like a marching band. This was the start of the snickering between Lucy & Ethel. The bull then “settled” in to the class with the grace of an elephant settling into a Smart Car. Comical was an understatement.

This incident, followed by some deep diaphragm breathing, was not good timing for Lucy, Ethel and their immature sense of humor. Just hearing the instructor say “it’s ok to laugh, these sounds are silly” made it that much harder to control the snickering.

After what seemed like the longest 45 minutes of my life, I decided mediation was something I need to explore further … with or without the bull. 

Enjoy the Ride  let your inner peace ride shotgun! 

22 responses

  1. Well, #10 on the 10 to Zen does suggest to have a proper belly laugh once a day! I am sure you & Lucy were simply trying to follow life according to Zen!

    Hoping your happiness tank is refilled!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m constantly at the happiness station refueling … so far so good!
      #10 ROCKS!


  2. I love the Ten to Zen list. Very profound and practical advice. Plus, the Yoga Grinch is priceless. Maybe we can change the lyrics to – “You’re a LEAN one, Mr. Grinch.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I could watch the yoga grinch all day … never gets old for me! Plus it keeps #10 going


  3. I love the way you write! However…do you know you used MEDIATION instead of MEDITATION? I kept thinking…maybe the “bull” was the mediator?? LOL!
    Either way…I’m glad you are on your way to getting your groove back. I’m going to try to keep mine going all year…it ain’t easy sister, it ain’t easy!


    1. Dear Lord! That’s what happens when you write at 4:30 in the dang morning! All is corrected and thanks for stopping by!

      Good luck on your groove journey!


  4. I know about the happy tank getting depleted. I considered it a success if the euphoria of a vacation lasted into the second day. Sometimes it didn’t last til noon on the first day back. Woo hoo!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Noon would have been nice ….

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  5. Sadly, I’ve been feeling the “zero fucks given” at the office too, but that’s due to boredom and lack of interest than irritation. Never a good sign but I’m reminding myself that I’m good at what I do… and it pays for my vacations around the globe. So there’s that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lordy do I wish it was from boredom opposed to having my loyalty pushed out the window … nothing worse.


  6. I really wish I”d come up with this line: “shoved the last gram of fucks I had to give down the garbage disposal.” It sums up so much of life.


    1. Hahahaha …cracks me up every time!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. You filled up my happiness tank by reminding me that I no longer have to give a fuck at a place of employment. I thank you for that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Enjoy every single minute of your fuckless freedom you lucky dog you!


  8. Who put those stupid chimes there?! I could have poked one of my eyes out!


    1. Seriously! He was a bug guy … it wasn’t pretty.


      1. Oh…well, then it WAS me…I’m as big as a house.


  9. Remember: meditation is a PRACTICE. I love your reminder to BREATHE. That in itself is a micro-meditation. Doesn’t have to be any more elaborate than that to reap the benefits! You go, Ethel! xoxoM


  10. That 10 to Zen list is one I should print out and make use of. I’m not sure if I’ve seen it before but it comes at a good time right now. It’s funny that you are “Ethel”. In my crazy friend duos I am always “Lucy”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha! I’m Ethel with this friend and Lucy with another. Multitalented indeed!

      Liked by 1 person

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