Tag Archives: Blogging

Change is a Thug

white hello led signage

Photo by Karl Starkey on Pexels.com

First, let me just say HOLLA! I guess we could all agree that’s it’s been far too long since we’ve all been Enjoying the Ride together. So let’s get down to business.

Recently, while having a conversation with one of my sisters, the subject of all things crazy going on in the world became the topic. Lord knows we all try to avoid this like the plague.

However, this conversation was different. We weren’t complaining about what wasn’t being done, because that has never gotten anyone anywhere … EVAH!

We were discussing the massive shift in our personal, professional, mental and even spiritual lives. Guess what? It’s not a coincidence.

As we enter this new decade, the universe has sent a message. No, not from Amazon. There’s no need to add anything to a cart when the universe is in charge, it has a way of landing on our doorsteps just when we need it most. Without entering a single credit card number.

Take a minute to go back to your life as you knew it in 2012. What was going on? What big, good, bad or indifferent reality came crashing down on you? For me, it was this Blog, which was born through an influx of changes in my personal life. The “C” Word

So, what the hell does all of this mean you ask? Calm down I’m about to fill you in on a secret. The universe is very generous when it comes to redemption, and it is giving us all an opportunity to grow leaps and bounds from whatever knocked us off our feet in 2012. Don’t you just love some good ole fashioned second chances?

My lesson since 2012 has been getting a handle on my reaction to the changes in my life. Whether they are everyday occurrences or things I am powerless against. The best tool I have for dealing with this is my humor. It’s my superpower. But sadly, change is my kryptonite. 

One thing I know for certain, and I’m sure you’ll all agree with my assessment. CHANGE is a Thug! My definition of a thug, in this case, is something that shakes up your world without asking permission because it was necessary. Bandannas and tattoos are optional. 

Of course, as in everything in this life, we make choices. I could have taken the Transition road to personal enlightenment, but clearly, I did not get the memo. Maybe I did and it got shoved in a drawer during a cleaning frenzy… who knows?

Honestly, though, transition sounds nice. I imagine it gliding into lives around the globe like a swan on a lake. No one is alarmed. No one is hit over the head with bricks. No one is screaming in horror. Transition is an unassuming rock star.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter the label we use to describe these experiences, the outcome is the same …. growth.

I’m heading into 2020 with my new luggage filled with lessons, humor, goals, hopes, and dreams. No worries, I saved some space for you so we can Enjoy the Ride together.

Happy 2020 Folks!



Every Day Is Opposite Day


Well, well, well look who is celebrating their 5th anniversary with WordPress. Ah, it feels like yesterday. 

Last year, in celebration of this glorious milestone, I posted an essay that is sadly more relevant today Weapons of Mass Destruction Have a FaceA big orange face to be exact.

So, here we are, one year later, with the shit literally hitting the fan. Oh, happy day … not.

In just 365 days we went from watching this country’s biggest hit reality show to actually being contestants. I’m just sitting here desperately waiting for this show to be cancelled. 


2017: Every day is Opposite Day

The show, as I like to call it, is “The Opposite.” That’s right folks, we are all participating in a new reality where our host is the opposite of being honest, treating women or anyone else who isn’t white like people, speaking openly, confronting situations directly, having patience, and basically just being a good solid citizen. The Opposite is now leading our path. Where we’re heading has yet to be determined. 

In just a little over 30 days our host has brought several teams to the surface.

First, we have Team Merica. The bible thumping flag waving team who wouldn’t know the constitution if it were narrowed down to a bumper sticker, who take pride in naming at least two of the seven dwarfs, yet cannot muster up the name of a single Supreme Court Judge. They believe every alternative fact presented, including, but not limited to, our former president being a member of Isis.

The White Team is a sub group to Team Merica that includes well-intentioned educated folks who for whatever reason cast their vote. Some say it’s because he’s a businessman, others believed that he would “clean the swamp”, but most, in my opinion, did it because they were tired of a Democrat “giving away” everything they earned.

Next, we have Team Resistance. Not hired actors or paid by a 3rd party to participate. They are a feisty group made up of men, women, children, babies & dogs. They are taking to the streets to have their voices heard bearing signs, pussy hats, and passion for all that is good for the greater good. Their voices are speaking out for common human rights for all people. They are demanding answers from their elected officials regarding our planet, our healthcare, our animals, our freedoms, our sanity and OUR COUNTRY.


Who knew different could be this bad?

Then we have Team Oh Fuck. This group really, really, really thought they were doing the right thing when they went to the voting booth to cast a vote for “something different” and now they sit quietly pondering the definition of “different.”

Next up, Hollywood. This crew brings money, glitter, glitz, glamor, a microphone and a stage to spread a message they feel should be heard. This group has members on all of the above teams.

Last but not least we have Wall Street. They bring money, mo’ money and of course, mo’ money, which can easily allow them to rule the world … literally. Just remember folks the lack of a moral compass, a soul, and their cloven hooves will eventually lead to their demise. Hopefully.

So, in just over 30 days since the season premiere of “The Opposite” we’ve certainly been kept on our toes with the daily cliffhangers. What’s next? never sounded more terrifying.

Our new host likes to keep the teams confused. As they wander around questioning whether facts are truth or if lies are now alternative facts, which in our old world were just lies, he is vigorously flushing distraction_xlargetheir tax dollars down the drain on his weekend getaways, our satellite First Lady, and my favorite, the 2017 Feed My Ego Tour a/k/a 2020 campaign rally. What just happened?

While the teams scramble to fact check like Ninjas, desperately trying to determine which news is real, fake or somewhere in between, Executive Orders are being signed sealed and delivered faster than a middle of the night Tweet. Diversion at its finest.

Thing have been tense between the teams. While each team frantically attacks each other via social media outlets, the wool is pulled further over their once bright hopeful eyes. Next stop, slaughterhouse.

Let’s just hope that this show will be cancelled long before the Season Finale scheduled to air November, 2020. Until then, crank up the music and Enjoy the Ride!



Happy Souls Rock



Over the years I have had little subtle pebbles tossed in my direction to get my attention. Sometimes they are just little dings that I usually dismiss, and other times they are more like implosions. 0 to 100 that’s me. 

It’s not as though there aren’t “in betweens” so to speak, there are, I just choose not to take those too seriously, and always, always, always give other people the benefit of the doubt about their intentions. Seeing the good in others certainly has its ups & downs.

It just never occurred to me that anyone would really be annoyed by another person happy nature? Seems Effed up if you ask me. 

So when people have made sly comments about my happy nature or overly enthusiastic reactions, I really didn’t take them too serious. How can anyone be annoyed by happiness?

What could be worse than that you ask? Pulling in the reins on my happy disposition to please the cantankerous crowd. Oh yes, I did! 

I chose to check my authentic self at the door to appease, or shall I say feed the masses. Do not try this at home kids. da28c18474818c104d7de27f73f03db3

This is an old habit of mine that has always been hard for me to break, mainly because I want to make the people around me happy, it’s just my nature. Seeing the line between them and me is the struggle. I’m a Pisces, it’s how we roll. 

Last week authentic Lisa decided to go into full protest mode and she was not shy about it at all!

There I was attending an unexpected Yoga class on Friday morning. I normally can not attend on Friday because I take my mother shopping, but she called and for whatever reason changed plans. Let the DIVINE intervention shenanigans begin.

During class, we were experiencing the Fish Pose. Now, I am very new to Yoga, and almost always need some sort of adjustment to get the pose correctly. In my head I’m a rubber band, outside not so much.

I got myself into the pose, sort of like an octopus gets into a paper bag, but I did it. Gracefulness is not my forte. 

My instructor came over to compliment me on my accomplishment. She stated “Look at that arch Lisa!” “I’m not surprised, you have such an open heart and happy soul.” Validation in the house.

Right after this pose we went into Savasana a/k/a the Corpse pose. Lay flat and do nothing, of course I’m really good at this one. It is the final pose where you calm your nervous system, and relax your mind and body into bliss. It’s heaven.

Well, as I entered my state of bliss I began to cry. My authentic self just lets loose from the depths of the damn closet demanding her freedom, just as I was getting my bliss on. Pay backs are a bitch.

What happened in the days that followed was spectacular. It was as if the universe was working overtime to make sure I got the message loud & clear. Implosion! df175c1f8fb67f4d7b7ce8f7022634ef

Even Pinterest got involved slamming this quote right in my face!

The reminders are popping up everywhere I go these days, keeping me in check with myself. Hey, we can’t all be at the top of this class called life. 

I started this blog ride 3 years ago yesterday, basically to document travel adventures in my husband’s mid-life crisis convertible, but the universe took the wheel for a different ride. I was not in control. 

Instead this blog provided me a place to get real with myself by writing it down and bringing it to life. Can’t ignore that anymore…check. 

So, here I am again making it real, learning more crap about myself and Enjoying the Ride! 

Thanks to all the folks I picked up along the way, you are the best travel companions a girl could have on this bumpy road called life!

LWTTD … Take 2


If you’re gonna celebrate…go big!

Today marks quite a milestone here at Life With The Top Down. One year ago today I decided to take the plunge into the great big world of blogging. I nervously hit that big blue Publish button and sent my first post The C-Word out into the blogosphere. I had a love/hate relationship with that button for quite some time, but we’re cool now.

Yesterday I took a little trip back in time and discovered that I really have come a long way through this journey. The first thing I noticed was that my overall well-being and my writing skills have both grown quite a bit in the last 365 days. Along with my ass, but that’s another story. 

It was also nice to discover that my girl Miss Four Eyes was the first and only person to like my words. We all know how important it is to be acknowledged. MFE is a breath of fresh air. She is no doubt an old soul who expresses her youthful, yet wise self perfectly both in and outside of her posts. Thank you MFE!

No matter how things go down, you never forget your first and that stands true for followers as well. My very first follower or followers are Daryl and Devon. Do the math, yes it was a threesome. I have laughed, loved & learned quite a bit through their views on politics, current events, black history & music. They certainly keep things real, which was an immediate attraction for me. Thank you D&D! 

Of course, the list of people who have sat shot-gun with me on this ride and were kind enough to bring their support, inspiration and 30399366205333873_QEoh9qYI_bencouragement along, have certainly grown over this past year. They include my real life family & friends, along with a new group of virtual friends that I would consider family. You all deserve a great big thank you, thank you and one thank you very much for the road!

I wasn’t sure what my expectations were for this venture, but I did know it was something that was absolutely necessary for me… for so many reasons. I was at a point in my life where my kids suddenly left me in the dust…they decided to grow-up and I was finally handed the pink slip. Of course they call me back occasionally for advice, assistance and we can’t forget the big one …money, but all in all they were doing their thing and I needed to do mine. It was my time to shine!

Sometimes things just pop into our lives to help us along the way, like Kathy over at Friday Night Family, who I hadn’t seen or spoke to since high school did! There she was, this blast from the past, encouraging and inspiring me to find what makes me happy. Well done Kathy…well done indeed! 

You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are full of yesterday’s junk.” 

So, I finally decided to unloaded some junk mostly fear and give birth to Life With The Top Down on March 4, 2012 at 12:58 pm. Her first year was a quite a challenge, but I think she is ready to enter year 2 with vigor and excitement.

Hope you will all continue to join me as we … Enjoy the Ride!

Pay It Back and Pay It Forward

Congratulations Virginia Views for receiving the Liebster Award!  I would like to give a shout out to Dor who generously  passed this award forward to me!  I am indeed honored to be in the company of such wonderful bloggers. I normally don’t enjoy the beinbg in the spotlight. I’m more of a behind the scenes kinda gal, but hey I’m certainly not going to ignore it when it lands in my inbox.

Liebster (pronounced: leeb-stir) is a German word meaning sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.  The Liebster Blog Award recognizes up and coming bloggers and winners are asked to “pay it back and forward.”  The award is given to those bloggers who have less than 200 followers. I follow such greatness, let’s hope I can wrangle up some newcomers to share in the excitement.

The Rules for the Liebster Award are as follows: 

  • Link back to the blogger who gave you this award
  • Post the award to your blog
  • Post 11 things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions asked of you, plus create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer
  •  Nominate 11 people you think deserve the award and link them to your post.
  • Go to their pages and tell them they have been chosen

Eleven Things About Me

1.  I would not allow the anesthesiologist to give me a spinal for my C-section because he was wearing white shoes. Sorry I just thought it was odd for a man to wear white shoes, not to mention it was February.

2.  I enjoy working on campaigns or fighting causes, these are the things that energize me.

3.  Talking to small children always puts me in a good mood. Their honesty is a guaranteed laugh.

4.  I started attending Quaker Meeting 3 years ago and it is has changed me for the better.

5.  I read the book The Four Agreements over and over and over as a constant reminder.

6.  I love being empowered by powerful moments. It could be a speech, a performance or an action. That feeling of being moved is the best feeling ever.

7. My feelings are always written on my face, it’s a curse.

8. Gerber daisies are my favorite flower followed closely by the hydrangea.

9.  I enjoy having a garden, but would love it more if I had a gardener.

10. I enjoy going to Jury Duty, seeing my “peers” keeps me from acting on my thoughts.

11. I am an early riser, even on weekends and vacations.

Now, these are the questions that Dor asked me to answer:

1)    If you could go anywhere in the world and stay for a month, where would you choose to go? Italy, more specifically Tuscany.

2)   What is your hobby?  Blogging.

3)    What was your childhood dream? I wanted to be  Judge, but I think it is my passion towards injustices that lead me to that thought. My passion is better served on a grassroots level. 

4)    What was the best gift you ever received? Anything the kids would make in school, especially written in their words.

5)    What is your favorite movie?  So many, but for a guaranteed laugh I would say Austin Powers (guilty pleasure)

6)    Who is the person who inspired you the most?  My Mother.

7)    What is your favorite dessert?  Lemon Curd Cake from the Night Kitchen Bakery in Chestnut Hill, PA. 

8)    What is your favorite quote?  I have many, but this is one I always come back to for some reason. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King

9)   What do you do for relaxation? Listening to music, walking & surfing the net.

10) What is your favorite remembered scent/smell from childhood?  Homemade gravy simmering on the stove.

11)  If you could be a character in a book, who would you choose to be?  I would like to be the character that is most recognized. In other words…the complete opposite of how I view myself. 

Presenting the Recipients of the 2012 Liebster Award…Drum Roll Please






Silkpurseproductions’s Blog

Vicky…the Northern Chicky


Raising the Curtain

Rein Rant N’ Rave


Next up some questions to be answered by the Winners. 

1.  What is you favorite song of all time?

2.  Boxers, briefs, boy shorts, granny panties, thong or the universal choice of Commando?

3.  Would you break the law to save a loved one?

4.  Would you go back to being a teenager, without the wisdom you have now?

5.  What are you most grateful for?

6.  Are you a beach or mountain kind of person?

7.  Reveal one of your guilty pleasures?

8.  Are you a dark, milk or white chocolate lover?

9.  If you could give a newborn child one piece of advice, what would it be?

10.  What is your best childhood memory?

11.  Do you act your age or your show size?